206 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for M57


Pages:   123   (3 in total)
Sun 11th Feb 08:02
It's complex and intimidating at first glance; no doubt that's why it gets some of the lower rating reviews, but this is unfortunate because this is a stunningly well-designed board. The large scale is correct for the concept, and the theme is brilliantly realized through game-play. The graphics are eye-catching (Yes, you do have to pay attention to what is what).

Rounding up from 9.5 makes it Perfect.
#49 of 49
Sat 24th Dec 08:56
Wargate Atlantis rated  Perfect
Absolutely beautiful board. Thoughtful placement of neutrals forces and the necessity to "get to the top to win." It can be a little difficult to discern some of the borders in the heat of battle, but they make sense.
#48 of 49
Thu 4th Nov 10:02
WarGear Warfare rated  Average
Yep; it's the standard. But standard means standard. We certainly can't say this board takes full advantage of all the features WarGear has to offer. Not that the criteria for perfection is to use every WG feature, but let's face it - you don't need to log on to play this particular board. The graphics are clean if not a bit austere which, again, is fine for a â "standard" board. The graphics adequately match the feel of the site. Though I don't think I'll have too many qualms playing quite a few games on this board, there's no doubt in my mind that something better will come along that will bring with it a more pleasant aesthetic for me in the standard category. Yet, I predict that even that board will command no more than an 8 for its lack of optimizing what WG offers.

Edit: Downgrading to Average.. The player color grey is almost indistinguishable from the neutral color grey.
#47 of 49
Sun 26th Apr 06:40
Simple World rated  Great
Playing in a DEv game. Looks promising.
#46 of 49
Fri 17th Jan 19:38
Colossal Crusade rated  Average
A beautiful and well-designed board. I'd bump this up from 6 Stars to 7 when a 2-player (and preferably 3-player) scenario has been created to at least and give the first player less than the 66/33 advantage that (s)he currently enjoys in the 2-player game and the 40% advantage (s)he enjoys in the 3 player game.

But that's not it's fatal flaw.. the one that cost it two more points.. It needs a card progression that doesn't turn large player games into epic months long psuedo-stalemates. I'd actually play this board if it had cards that could force action. The 5,5,5.. cards favor turtles, and the 5,6,7,...18, 5,6,7,18 is not much better.
#45 of 49
Mon 2nd Mar 19:24
Dejeweled rated  Poor
As usual, this is one of Ed's designs that takes advantage of WarGear's designer features in a unique and creative way. Play and strategy is highly unconventional. The graphics are well executed.

However, I agree with Black Dog. End-games can too easily be manipulated, hence the poor rating. If you know you are going to lose, in many cases, it's possible for you to "choose" the winner. Nonetheless, I recommend that everyone at least try the board once to get a sense of what's possible on WarGear.
#44 of 49
Sun 15th Feb 08:31
Zombie Islands rated  Perfect
Yertle is a master board designer. His boards are graphically superior and the ranges of subject matter he takes on is surprisingly diverse; this map with its dystopian theme is a perfect example. Zombie Island is a highly stylized board with an innovative way of determining borders and bonuses. Perhaps a bit too innovative as I sometimes have lapses when determining where borders are (and why), but that is no excuse to not give this board a perfect rating.
#43 of 49
Sun 7th Dec 06:43
The Shire rated  Fair
This is a board that I really want to like because I love the theme, but there are a number of things about it that make it a less than stellar offering.

Graphically it doesn't pop - there are no 'layers' in the design - leaving it two-dimensional. The textural elements that are on the board are of fair to poor quality. Unfortunately, the hand-drawn graphics from the book do not translate well to the web. In fact the map itself forces the designer to make the board larger to accommodate the tiny little territories bunched up on one side of the board. A much better way to turn this into a game would be to re-draw the map.

Mechanically, the board is a hodgepodge of features and tricks like hidden passageways - many of which are not apparent unless you read the description. Some are not described at all ..and documented as 'surprises,' giving the advantage to those who have either played the game enough to figure them out, or to those who know how to go into the board designer and find them. This may be good for some, but I find it unfair, which is ironic because I'm rating the board 'fair'
#42 of 49
Mon 3rd Nov 19:57
Expanding Europe rated  Fair
Graphically, this board just leaves a lot to be desired. There's nothing technically wrong with the map, but the design is uninspired and ill-considered. For instance the boarders are too thin.

Some territories are too large and some too small - Yeah, I get that they are actually RL borders, but it just makes for a not-so-good-for-gameplay map. I find it hard to discern continental borders - Yes, the 'key' map in the corner helps, but I often find that I forget to look at it.

There's just a lack of interesting embellishments or unique play features that would set this map apart from the host of European maps on this site.
#41 of 49
Fri 27th Jun 12:22
Pirates of the Caribbean rated  Perfect
Outstanding Board! Reminiscent of "Pirates of Malta" from 'that other site,' I believe this board is a superior homage to the original. The effect of the trade-winds on play is brilliant, and the circular nature of the design makes for relatively even game-play from most starting positions. The thoughtful arrangement of borders provides for a challenging assortment of choke-points. Ozyman's Invention board shows us that he's an innovative designer, but this board proves that he's a master of the basics.
#40 of 49
Sat 2nd Mar 22:18
Coffee Capital rated  Superb
Alluring design and creative mechanics. I'm addicted to the stuff myself so I understand the significance of the cups being capitals. Haven't played enough to be absolutely sure, but my Spidey-senses tell me that the board is balanced - no part of the board looks to enjoy a great positional advantage. It certainly is filled with a good assortment of choke points. insuring good game-play ..and less likelihood of crab-game, drawn out, stalematish endings. Cram is clearly a master board-designer.
#39 of 49
Wed 28th Dec 09:29
Micro Mission rated  Perfect
Highly Recommended.

This board is beautifully rendered on an ever-so-mesmerizing backdrop creatively peppered with WarGear iconage to show territorial holdings.

Micro-Mission is a delightful miniature for all of you world-board purist types.

This is simply an outstanding, quick playing board that I predict will become a classic.
#38 of 49
Wed 28th Dec 09:24
Seven rated  Great
Warning: This not a Risk-like board.

This board represents an interesting (and even important) study in what can be accomplished with the tools the site offers map designers, but since it has gone live -- there are even more tools for designers, which undoubtedly would have been used by the designers of this board had they been available. Nonetheless, a very nicely designed "pure" game.
#37 of 49
Wed 28th Dec 09:14
Skee rated  Average
Nice looking board - Interesting design concept - ponderous play because every player has to eventually use the same gutters to get to the shooter's lane. Now that designer's can utilize factories in their designs, this board could certainly be improved upon.
#36 of 49
Wed 28th Dec 09:10
whittle 'em down rated  Fair
An interesting design concept that could probably be improved upon now that factories are part of the designer's bag 'o tricks. Unfortunately, play is too ponderous ..and as captnmorgan said, it's hard to make a comeback once you're behind.
#35 of 49
Wed 28th Dec 09:05
Of Kings and Men rated  Great
Challenging board -- The proximity and number of capitals combined with the fog make it very, if not too difficult to get a sense of the strength of your position.

Graphics are beautiful, though the opaque overlay is a bit muted/dark for my aged eyes, but I'm nit-picky.
#34 of 49
Mon 26th Dec 22:53
Pong rated  Good
Pong is a "Tour de force" effort by Ed that gives us all a taste of how the WarGear designer tools can be used to create a game that has absolutely nothing to do with Risk. There are no dice. You move your paddle to "influence" the motion of the ball on the "screen", and then use the same paddle to guess the final location of the your opponent's ball as it moves towards your side of the screen.

This is cutting-edge design stuff. Ed has created a board that uses a sophisticated virtual mechanism comprised of thousands of "factories" that enable game-play. There's even a virtual scoreboard that is driven by a brilliantly conceived factory chain-reaction.

Pong may be a master-class for designers, but it is only a curiosity for players. To be fair, It may seem like a pure guessing game, but inferential reasoning can increase your chances of guessing right. Nevertheless, for better or worse, the resulting game is slow-moving. For this reason, I recommend the game to 3 points ..not 5.
#33 of 49
Mon 7th Nov 20:01
EVE Universe rated  Great
A few of the borders are a bit tricky but it is a nice looking board
#32 of 49
Sat 22nd Oct 06:32
Rescue rated  Good
Once again Ed has used the factory designer feature to create an innovative game-play setting. There are a number of strategies/tricks that the first time player needs to figure out to become competitive, but ultimately, because you never know where your opponents are, you are really playing for/against yourself. It's all well designed and very playable, but the board just has too much fog for my tastes.
#31 of 49
Mon 16th May 20:56
Pirate Gear rated  Great
Though not one of my go-to boards, there really is nothing bad to say about this board. Agree with Mongrel regarding its attributes. Return to fortify enables sneaky tactics and I agree with Pink Fuzzy that the pirate ship in the middle is likely to befuddle traditional strategist types. Hmm, ..maybe I'll have to play it some more.
#30 of 49
Pages:   123   (3 in total)